A stop motion video using small cbjects. In this case I made use of cigarettes that goes with the rhythm of the music as if it was a graphic visualizer.
A muezzin is a person who goes on top of the minaret to announce the call of prayer, but legend says they have to be blind in order to avoid seeing the king's harema nd his concubines.

Marrackech legend also believes a stork is a transformed human being punished for certain misbehaviors and disobeying of islamic doctrines. Therefore, as the man turns blind, he starts swearing, eventually turning him into a stork.

The stork poops at the end connecting to perhaps the idea of misery or crying but really its just an addition to add a bit of humor ato our story.
Video realization for Mango brand campaign under the concept "I WANT MANGO". The idea is to make people think of the brand instead of the fruit, so we played with the mango fruit along with the copy and application of the Mango logo in the concept.
Behind the scenes of the models we chose for our Mango brand campaign. Bringing the "I WANT MANGO" concept a sexy and playful vibe, in reflection with our pun of words.
After Effects play with the use of just typography. I set on an energetic vibe with the music from Empires of the Sun-Walking on a Dream.
A proposed unconventional video for ABIERTO Campaign (unconventional education for unconventional minds). I decided to go for an illustrated animation teaching how to make Mango Float (a famous Filipino dessert) since one of my favorite past time is cooking or baking.
A project for United Benetton that relates to anything about “christmas”. My personal view for having chosen certain animations starts from:
Pig because we eat “lechon” (fried pig) for Christmas and New Year in the Philippines
Penguin because the cold makes me think of the place where they are inhabited
Polar bears because of the “warmth” you get from bears, coinciding with the “warmth” you get from love ones during Christmas
Reindeer, Elf and Santa because we all grew up loving them and believing they are a part of christmas :)
using Adobe Illustrator and Adobe After Effects
Adobe After Effects experimental exercise using only words and type. I decided to put energy in the animation by choosing a bit groovy song Walking on a Dream by Empires of the Sun, completely playing with the lyrics of the chorus part.